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There are times when your air conditioning system is still blowing air, there are common warning signs that alert our trained technicians here at Martin Bean that something may be wrong. If you notice any of the following signs it might be time to call Martin Bean.


If your getting warm air or no air at all -


If your A/C unit is blowing warm air or isn’t working at all it could be experiencing a compressor issue, low levels of freon or could be leaking refrigerant. The last thing we want is your A/C out in the dead of summer give us a call for A/C repair services.


If your A/C is making loud and unusual sounds -


If your home air conditioning system is hissing, buzzing or making banging noises while it's on this is definitely a cause for concern, not only can it mean something serious but it can disturb your comfort. Give us a call for a diagnostic so we can get you cool again.


If your A/C is leaking water or excess moisture -


You may be experiencing a freon leak or an evaporator coil issue which can cause serious damage to your cooling system. Call us so we can catch the problem before it becomes worse.


If you are realizing huge increases on your energy bill -


When something is wrong with your cooling system you might see an increase on your utility bill because your system is working really hard to cool the space, keep an eye on this and if you are experiencing this give us a call you may need some repairs.


No matter the issue you can trust the guys at Martin Bean to run diagnostics on your cooling system and let you know what the best course of action is for repair and what you're going to spend getting your space cool again!


How do you know that your A/C OR Heater has been sized correctly?


The only way to know this is to get a J Manual done to calculate your heat loss and air conditioning needs, give us a call and our experts will calculate what size system needed for your space.



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